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An accident, hospitalisation, unforeseen illness, stroke, fall or dementia could leave you deemed incapable of making important financial or welfare decisions in the eyes of the law, so it is important that you take time whilst you are fit and well to make arrangements and register a trusted person(s) to step in when you need them most.

Many people contact me on behalf of their elderly relatives to put Lasting Powers of Attorney in place when these relatives are close to losing capacity. By this time it is often too late, particularly as it is taking up to 20 weeks to register an LPA with the Office of the Public Guardian.

An LPA is a legal document that lets you choose trusted people or “attorneys” to make financial and health/welfare decisions on your behalf. It is mainly used if you do not have the mental capacity to understand and make decisions yourself. However, a financial LPA can be used at any stage once it has been registered, which may prove especially useful if you have an accident and are temporarily out of action or spend a lot of time abroad.

Whilst the likelihood of serious illness increases with age, you can arrange your LPA from any age and the ideal time to put this important protection in place is whilst making your will. 

I go through a long list of possible instructions and preferences with you to ensure that your LPA allows your attorneys to operate effectively and is representative of you and your wishes.

Preparing, signing and registering an LPA can be complex and the registration of your document will be refused if it is not drafted correctly or signed in the correct order, leading to delay and further registration fees. I will ensure that your LPA is correctly drafted and registered and is therefore legally effective.

Ordinary Powers of Attorney can be used to assist you whilst you retain capacity.


Please click through to the relevant tab to explore further how a Lasting Power of Attorney or an Ordinary Power of Attorney can help you.

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