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Certified Copies

As a solicitor, I am often asked to certify that a photocopy of an original document is a true copy of the original.  Some organisations will not accept a certified copy unless it has been certified by a solicitor.  Certified copies are often required by:

  • prospective employers - as part of their recruitment process

  • banks - if you are applying for a bank account

  • the Foreign & Commonwealth Office - as part of a legalisation application

  • solicitors - as part of their client identity checks to comply with anti-money laundering legislation.

I charge a fixed fee of £10 per document for checking it against the photocopy and certifying that the photocopy is a true copy of the original. This is for a document of up to a maximum of 3 photocopied pages.


ID1 Land Registry Form completion

The ID1 Land Registry Form certifies your identity and is typically needed during property transactions to protect against identity fraud. If you have chosen not to instruct a legal professional to help you with a conveyancing or another property-related matter, the Land Registry requires you to provide a completed ID1 Form. Section A is completed by you and section B is then completed by a solicitor who is required to meet you and view your original identification and certify a passport sized photograph. Following completion of the transaction, the Land Registry may contact the solicitor to make sure that they have in fact identified the person named in the ID1 Form.

I charge a fixed fee of £60 for completing an ID1 Land Registry Form and identifying you for the Land Registry.  

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